Cleaning your ducts is only a single component in maintain your heating and air conditioning system. How did your home air ducts get dirtier in the first place? Ideally you should never have to clean your ducts. Duct cleaning is a direct cost of:
Lack of Yearly Maintenance
Poor Air Filters – Filtration
Air Filter Bypass
Broken Air Ducts
This picture above is a typically example of broken air ducts in an attic. Improper repairs were made that not only allowed heat from the attic to enter the home, but also the contaminates from the attic to enter the home. This included termite poison, pollen, dirt and the reason we were called out. Rat droppings in the ducting.
Can a Carpet Cleaning Company Clean Air Ducts?
No, they should never be hired to clean your air ducts. The picture of the rusted ducting on the right is an example of the kind of work that is performed by unqualified air duct cleaners pretending to clean your ducts. This picture is of a duct cleaning on a system that was cleaned every year for the past 5 years. The pretend air duct cleaners certified “Clean ducts” without ever really performing significant work.
Can Air Ducts Be Cleaned for $35
Of course not. Just showing up to your home costs more than that. The companies that are advertising ridiculously low prices for home air duct cleaning are merely bait and switch rip off companies. They are counting on homeowners that are gullible. Don't be gullible. Use a licensed contractor, not a carpet cleaner. Would you use a gardener to fix your roof?
The frozen furnace to the left was frozen because of a lack of airflow through the ducting caused by an undersized and improperly installed return air duct. Duct cleaning, they paid for it before calling us out, did them no good whatsoever.
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Excellent Job. Thank you!
~ Ed Lee
Thank you again for your professionalism! 
~ Barbara & Steve Gengruit
They were careful to put tarps down and they did a great job of cleaning up afterwards. 
~ Bob Amren